Beach Celebration

The weekend was spent celebrating another Bob’s championship – yes, these are a big deal around our house as there is nothing that Ry enjoys more. While the guys may get older and the trophies get larger, the players are still little boys at heart who get excited to sport their uniforms, put on their cleats, get dirty, and of course win the game!

The celebration pictures are not exactly my favorite blog material, as I prefer to feature images that do not remind me of college in Isla Vista, therefore, I will leave you with several beach pictures from the day.

Congrats Bob’s!


Doesn’t every adult male softball league need a team photo day? When your team colors are mustard yellow and green and you have “home” and “away” jersey’s and your team name is “The Bobs” the answer is yes. And to top it off, someone even painted their house mustard yellow and green to use as a backdrop for the team pictures!!!!!! Just kidding! Someone did paint their house mustard yellow and green but the reasons for this peculiar color choice may never be known.

Guys, here is the link to the team pictures (but you must have the password to see them)


Friday | Picture of the Week | Week 23

The World, Nationally, California, South Bay, Manhattan Beach renowned Bob’s softball team is at it again with their almost undefeated season record. As we have discussed here and here, Wednesday nights are not complete without a little “casual” game of softball.

Last week happened to be “Friends & Family” night which also coincided with picture day. No, I am not kidding! The team actually declares BOTH of those days and are serious about them even though they may pretend to be joking. Since Gossip Girl is on summer hiatus and I was all caught up on the Real Housewives OC & NY, I decided if I wanted a good birthday present this year, I better keep the ol’ hubby happy and attend Friends & Family night!

Although they lost that night, the season is not over yet because these guys MADE IT TO THE PLAYOFFS!  Good luck in the playoff’s guys and I know you will make it past the first round unlike the Lakers this year!!


double-play, may-day.

The Bobs are back which means Wednesday nights will start with the same dialogue:

Ryan: Shan, Bobs are playin’ tonight, you going?
Shan: I don’t know. Is it cold?
Ryan: Come on babe, we’ll dress you warm, it will be fun.
Shan: I don’t know. Are any of the girls going?
Ryan: Yeah, they all are (lying).
This leads to me one of two responses of either, “I’m going to watch Gossip Girl” or “Sure, I’ll go!”

This past Wednesday I decided the second option and went. Apparently, the team “always play[s] well in front of a crowd” so in an effort to drum up attendance, last Wednesday’s game was deemed “Significant Others” night.  Being that it was Cinco de Mayo many of the girls were spending their night amongst margaritas and sombreros, but a few others made it out to the field with me.

The Bob’s ended up playing a terrific game; they made five double plays, hit one home run, and won the game!

Just in case you didn’t get enough softball pictures (or didn’t see yourself above, here is a slideshow of more pictures from the game, and a super killer picture of Morgan at the end, it’s worth it!

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