first year ~ part II

As posted previously, last time I went home to visit, we took some pictures of Riley for use on his birthday invitations. Now that his invites have gone out, I can reveal the rest of the shoot. And just in case you really want to see more of this photoshoot, click here for slideshow.

For the invitations, we decided to do a postcard style photocard using Photoshop. With Melissa’s poetic skills and the book editor skills of my mom, they came up with the poem and I did the design.

Sorry, but the crying pictures are just too cute to not include – crying with a party hat on! Man, I can’t wait until this little guy is in college and this gets sent around to the frat brothers!!!!


Brady-Man turns ONE!

Brady is a crawling machine, loves when his daddy tosses him in the air, points at almost everything, loves to give kisses to his mommy and best of all, he celebrated his first birthday on Sunday! Ryan and I couldn’t be happier to celebrate this little guys birthday with his parents, Joanna and Chad, and I couldn’t help but to snap a few pictures of this lovable little one year old. For a slideshow to view a few more click here.


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first year.

I can’t believe how quickly one year goes by. One year ago, Ryan and I had just returned from our wonderful honeymoon, we were celebrating Melissa’s baby shower, and Joanna was still pregnant and about to bring little Brady into this world.

Fast forward to today and little Brady turns one on Sunday, and Riley is almost about to celebrate his first birthday in November. Being that Riley’s mom is my very best friend, Melissa, we get the chance to shoot Riley as much as possible.

It is just amazing how quickly they grow in the first year and since I am in LA, I hate that I don’t get to see this little guy more. At two-weeks old he was just a little, squeezable ball of love, and at 5-months old he was a calm, happy baby just learning to sit and smile. Now at 10-months old this guy crawls, eats, laughs, cries, and sure knows how to go through those diapers!

Here is the first set of pictures of this little guy.