Christmas {a little late}

While most of you have already seen these pictures from our Christmas card this year, I thought I would share these pictures anyway because I just love them so much! This little man melts my heart every day. We laugh because even when he is sleeping, we sit and scroll through pictures of him on the computer….to say we are obsessed would be an understatement!  babychristmascard1

babychristmascard2 babychristmascard3Happy 2013!!!!


Sleepy & White

I have tried my very best to enjoy each moment with little B because I know these are moments we can never get back. This first six weeks have already flown by and I can’t believe he will be 2 months old in just a few weeks.

Since little B’s announcements went out, I thought it was time to share these pictures which I took when he was seven days old (belly button shot was 14 days :)).  I look at them and marvel at how little he was. This little guy loves to put his right hand next to his face which is funny because we have a sonogram picture of him doing this exact thing.

This is was my favorite picture from the session and melts my heart. This represents little B just how he is, no hats, no crowns, just his little face sleeping away with his hands.

We love you little guy!

Beckett | Newborn

We met in 7th grade. While we weren’t immediate friends because basic junior high coolness factors got in the way, we eventually had our moment to connect.  You see, she was the popular cheerleader who came to school dressed like Cher from Clueless, feather pens and all, and I was the weird, tall gymnast with too short of pants because they didn’t always used to make 32″ inseams let alone 36″ inseams. Somehow through our mutual love for cheerleading and my mad gymnastics skills, which got me on the Pop Warner team, we were given a chance to become friends.

We then spent the next 4 years of high school almost inseparable. She would be the one to pick me up for 5:30am cheer practice, host a party to celebrate the 90210 series finale, or work in cahoots with my parents to hold a surprise 16th birthday party.  She taught me how to write a proper love letter as well as the magic of hot rollers.

Now, over 10 years later, I still get to call her my best friend and see her in a new light… a mother. Seriously, even though this is #2, I am still shocked to write that! The girl that I brought home a little too late after a little too much fun is now a mother of two adorable boys, Riley & Beckett.

This picture is one of my all time favorites as it captures the sweetness and beauty of motherhood. I spent my birthday hanging out and taking these pictures of these two and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Congratulations to your beautiful family Melissa and Dustin and may our kids learn the beauty of a best friend!


Two Little Lovelies

I am editing my way through these images and can’t wait for these proud parents to see the entire gallery because I just have way to many favorites. These little girls melted my heart the entire session.  Even though we had a tough time getting them to both sleep at the same time, by the end, they both gave me 3 minutes of sleepy bliss which allowed me to capture my favorite picture of the day — two sleeping little girls in tutu’s. Precious.


Riley 5-months.

I was so lucky to spend last Friday with one of my favorite people and her cute as a cupcake, 5-month old son, Riley. If you recall, back in November, Ryan and I did a little Riley-Man Photoshoot when he was 2-weeks old. Boy has this little guy grown a lot since then! Melissa and I spent the day hanging out like old times, going to Chevy’s in Folsom (which is now Q’bode), window shopping the home stores, and enjoying a nice glass of wine in the park (although this time, we are actually old enough to buy and drink it).

While we were in the park, I took advantage of the fabulous weather and lighting to take a few pictures of Riley.





I have too many favorites, but this one might just be it – that pacifier just cracks me up!

Seriously, is there anything cuter than this little guy!  Thanks for the fun day guys, miss you already!

Riley-Man’s Photoshoot



While up north for Thanksgiving, Ryan and I got a chance to finally see the new addition to the Scheffel family, the Riley-Man. Riley is 14 days old and is already a trained model pro — must have been all those pictures his mama posed for while he was in the womb. After a quick feeding and diaper change this guy was ready for his close up. Ryan got a chance to use his Sigma 30mm lens to snap these totally adorable pictures of the little guy.

At one point, we decided to try and sit him up for a few clicks of the camera. As you can guess, it was a bit pre-mature for this pose. As his Dad held his head to keep his body upright, poor Riley was left looking like a little old-man that had a few too many beers.  While this had us all dying laughing, we quickly realized the poor guy was not having any of this pose.

Here’s the poor little drunk:

Still laughing , just thinking about it!!!!!!!  I guess we all have a bit of learning to do!

Love you guys and can’t wait to see you at Christmas!