Friday | Picture of the Week | Week 3

This picture of the week business is much harder than I thought. I find Friday’s are just coming quicker and quicker and it’s only week 3! Since the days are still so short if I don’t photograph a picture on the weekend I am subject to photographing indoors or at night.

This picture of the tulips, a sweet present from Ry, was taken on our dining room table with no flash only our hideous, industrial, it-came-with-the-apartment ceiling light.  I used our favorite Nikkor 35mm lens at f/4, 1/50, ISO 1600.

Happy weekend to all!

Brady-Man turns ONE!

Brady is a crawling machine, loves when his daddy tosses him in the air, points at almost everything, loves to give kisses to his mommy and best of all, he celebrated his first birthday on Sunday! Ryan and I couldn’t be happier to celebrate this little guys birthday with his parents, Joanna and Chad, and I couldn’t help but to snap a few pictures of this lovable little one year old. For a slideshow to view a few more click here.


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